What’s In A Name?

3 min readJan 13, 2018

This article is inspired by Osemhen and an article she has on her blog.

Listening to Rihanna’s What’s My Name, will probably make this an exciting read.

For the longest time, I was a bit wary of my name. I hated how other people pronounced it and I honestly just disliked how I felt when I heard it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I hate my name but being called Itesua or Idahosa kinda gets on my last nerve. I got all my friends to start calling me Ejiro or Itee cause I felt it was easier to pronounce but my dad found out and he didn’t like it. Something about those not being the names he gave me and how I have to bear the names that he gave me. That’s a story for another day though, today I realized I might have split personalities. I’m a different person depending on whichever name you call me.

Ejiro — She’s cool and fancy. A bit loud, a lot obnoxious. She’s the life of the party, the alpha female, she’s entertaining and can start a conversation with anyone she wants. She can pick a fight with the biggest person she knows just to prove that she isn’t scared of anything and anyone. She’s a true hard guy, barely has any feelings. She doesn’t like getting too close to anyone because she’s not about any mushy stuvvs. Ejiro is the big sister you want around when you’re getting over a heartbreak, She’ll buy you ice cream and let you know that you’re worth something. Ejiro is the photographer, she’s in awe of nature and loves being outside exploring the wonders of mother nature. Ejiro is your hype man! The Barney to your Ted. She’s fire honestly.

Itee — Itee is a tomboy, she’s a lot like Ejiro except she’s a lot more lowkey. Itee loves sports and is super hyped about anything that involves running around and playing. She’s like a little child; she eats like a monster, laughs really loudly and doesn’t sleep at night. She just wants to have a good time and deal with the consequences later. She doesn’t like people, she doesn’t care about what they think. She also doesn’t mind that people don’t like her, she can’t come and kill herself.

Itasoha — Itasoha is an adult. She’s very mature and calculated. She knows what she wants to do and she knows how she wants to do it and she’d sooner die than have things work out differently. She’s straight to the point and she’s thorough. She doesn’t play around with her life. She kinda has it all figured out. She’s a bookworm. She hates going outside and believes nature is trying to kill her. She’s very observant and can easily read people. She absolutely hates being told what to do, mostly because she doesn’t trust anyone’s judgment. She’s a perfectionist. She doesn’t care that people find it hard to get along with her, she’s a bit similar to Itee in this case. She’s mostly isolated and she loves it. Who said a man can’t be an island?

What’s in a name? It’s a person, an identity. A name might not necessarily portray who exactly you are but it’s the foundation of the knowledge of yourself. My full name means “Every good thing I see outside, I’ll talk about at home”. If you know me, you’d understand the extent to which my name resonates with my personality.

